TMJ Treatment Naples

Say Goodbye to Jaw Pain & Headaches

Woman holding the side of her jaw in pain before T M J treatment

Our prosthodontists can monitor and improve not just the health of your individual teeth, but the bite as a whole. For many patients, symptoms like persistent jaw pain and headaches stem from overworked or unbalanced jaw joints (TMJ), but we’re able to address these and more using the treatments below. You can enjoy comfortable days again and get to the bottom of what has been hurting you—just reach out to our team today for TMJ treatment in Naples!

Why Choose Advanced Prosthodontics & Implant Esthetics for TMJ Treatment?

  • Proven Solutions for Chronic Headaches
  • Customized Mouthguards/Splints
  • Relaxing, Spa-Like Dental Office

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Model of skull on table next to wooden block letters T M J

Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are two small hinges you can feel right in front of your ears whenever you open your mouth or move it from side to side. Whether due to a bad bite, stress, or teeth grinding, it and the surrounding muscles can become strained, leading to:

  • Stiff or aching jaw
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Trouble opening/closing the mouth
  • Jaw that constantly pops and clicks
  • Sensitive/worn-down teeth
  • Ear/neck/shoulder pain

TMJ Treatment Options

Woman holding the side of her face in pain

After thoroughly examining your bite and jaw as well as discussing your symptoms, our team may recommend one or more of the following treatments to provide relief and fix any underlying issues.

Equilibration/ Occlusal Adjustments

Dentist holding a model of the skull in front of a patient

This involves making very small adjustments to certain teeth by removing or building up enamel, and this can restore balance to the bite. When the mouth closes, the force will be evenly distributed, saving the TMJ from being strained on one side. The alterations are so small that patients don’t even need to be numb to stay comfortable while in the chair.

Occlusal Splints

Hand holding a light purple splint to be worn over the teeth

An occlusal splint is a special type of mouthguard that’s worn to bed. It protects the teeth from grinding while also placing the jaw in a more natural position so that the muscles of the face can relax and heal. It enables a patient to wake up the next day and be mostly (or completely after consistent use) symptom and pain-free.